The Giant — Awake And Supercharged

Today’s International Herald Tribune runs some interesting statistics regarding Chinese national ambitions and directions. Over all…Chinese satisfaction with the country soared in recent years, according to a survey of Chinese adults after the onset of...

Nixonland Nitpick 5

In 1964, according to Nixonland, “Nixon was the only Republican of national stature not to abandon the Goldwater ticket” (p. 64).  That’s almost true, but not quite.  Dwight Eisenhower endorsed the ticket and made a TV spot with Goldwater. ...

Only The Latest Proof The End Of World Is At Hand

Here it is. No other interpretation seems possible. From the publisher’s description it doesn’t sound like a fun filled or instructional base is left uncovered. Who could be better qualified to write a book for the 4-8 year old set than Washington legend...

Some Concluding Reflections On Nixonland

This week I finished Rick Perlstein’s book Nixonland. My conclusions are not very much changed from what I previously posted, and as I mentioned previously Oxford historian Dominic Sandbrook’s review in the London Telegraph expresses an opinion of the book...

Wisdom from the Old Man

Michael Savage recently attacked kids with autism.   One of those kids is my son, and I replied to Savage in National Review Online.  I was able to keep my composure by remembering what Nixon once said: “One can only be angry with those he...

Moscow Rules

The International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. displays a list of what are called Moscow Rules – commonly accepted guidelines for the good guys during the Cold War. Basically, they are based on a through-the-looking-glass approach to reality, where nothing is as it...