First Words

At 9.40 PM EST tonight C-SPAN will broadcast “Writing the Inaugural Address” — a forum held last month at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center. Among the participants are Ray Price, who worked on both of RN’s Inaugural Addresses,...

“The Strong Man” Visits Yorba Linda

Greetings once again, supporters and students of Richard Nixon! Just a note to report on my visit to the Nixon Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda this past June 17, and to thank all the folks there who made it a special and unforgettable experience for me. John H....

Quo Vadis Post?

The recent announcement by Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. of his impending retirement raises questions about the future of that eminent newspaper, and about what the coming decade holds for newspapers in general, that I plan to discuss before...

How To Beat the Holiday Rush

If you want to get a headstart on the big weekend and/or have other plans for your Sunday, you can read Zev Chafets’ long piece about Rush Limbaugh from Sunday’s New York Times Magazine right here right now.

One Man’s Lyric is Another Man’s Law

In Sunday’s New York Times, national legal correspondent Adam Liptak reported the breaking of some serious legal ground over at One First Street NE. Hidden away on page four of Chief Justice Roberts’ dissent in Sprint Communications Co., L. P., et al, v. APCC...

Clay Felker. Si Monumentum Requiris Circumspice

No website dealing with news and commentary about Richard Nixon, his Times, and his Legacy, can fail to note the passing of Clay Felker, who died earlier today at his home in New York. He was 81 and had been battling mouth and throat cancer for some time. More than...