8.6.1971 – Expanding the Environmental Movement

Widely regarded as among America’s most far-sighted Presidents in terms of environmental research, RN’s special message to Congress — enclosed with the annual report of his Council on Environmental Quality — of August 6, 1971 reflects just...

1968 Nixon Campaign Paper Dress At eBay

It’s rare for political campaigns to be notable for clothing beyond the customary baseball-style cap and T-shirt. It’s unheard-of for them to be associated with eccentric fashion trends. But in 1968 there was a notable exception. And it did not originate...

8.3.1969 – Peace and the People

On a stopover in England en route to Andrews Air Force Base on August 3, 1969, RN spoke to the assembled crowd, including Prime Minister Harold Wilson, and said: I can assure all who are listening to me now that while the path to peace may seem very difficult, and...

Celebrating Pat Nixon Day

Parades, flags, ceremonies — a wonderful homecoming no doubt. On August 2, 1960 thousands gathered to celebrate Pat Nixon Day in the state of Nevada — most prominently, Pat Nixon. RN happened to be in the middle of a presidential campaign when this...

Hewitt Talks New Book, Evaluates 2012 Election

On Monday, syndicated radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt discussed his new book The Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall & Epic Fail of the Hope & Change Presidency, and gave his analysis of the 2012 election. Watch the whole lecture below: Jonathan Movroydis is...

Silencing Olympic History

Forty years ago, during the 1972 Olympic Games, 11 Israeli athletes were taken hostage and killed by a Palestinian terror group, Black September; an act which defied the spirit of the Olympic Games. On the anniversary of that horrific attack many people, including the...