Foundation Statement on Grand Jury Release

Today’s release of President Nixon’s Grand Jury testimony, while unprecedented, is certain to be of interest. It is important to note that the President appeared voluntarily and answered all questions. The Richard Nixon Foundation urges all those interested in the...

RIP Joe Frazier, Champ Of The Nixon Era

The late 1960s and early 1970s – in other words, what we now call the Nixon years – were very eventful ones in the history of American sports.  So many names and dates, sublime and heroic and sometimes comic, come to mind.  Bobby Riggs facing Billie Jean...

Chris Matthews Compares Obama And Nixon

For nearly fifteen years, television viewers have watched politico-turned-journalist Chris Matthews deliver his impressive lungpower on the talk show Hardball, first on CNBC, then MSNBC.  Probably every block in the country has at least one resident who can do a...

Rove Talks 2012 in the East Room

Fox News commentator and former Bush Senior Adviser Karl Rove spoke before a large audience Thursday at the Nixon Library, where he discussed President Obama’s job performance and Republican prospects for victory in 2012. Afterward he signed copies of his...