Sabato: RN A Pioneer of “New Media”

When the term “new media” is used today, no one thinks of television.  But 50 years ago television was on the cutting edge of technology, and it was about to alter American politics in a manner that no other “new media” has managed to do since. Most point to September...

9.28.1972 – RN and the Fight Against Cancer

Cancer is among the top killers in the United States, affecting many millions of people. Often times, people you may have known for your entire life suddenly change and become sickly, less active, and much weaker, and often times their quality of life plummets. In the...

Video: Hub Fans Bid Nixon Fan Adieu

A big topic of dinner-table conversation on the evening of September 27, 1960, was the first Kennedy-Nixon debate that had taken place the day before.  Many Americans wondered how the two candidates would do when next they met. But the following evening, the attention...

39 Years Ago – RN Changes U.S.-Japanese Relations

From NBC’s Anchorage, Alaska affiliate, KTTU: Thirty-nine years ago Sunday, a significant state visit by Emperor Hirohito of Japan changed the relationship between the U.S. and Japan — and President Richard Nixon was in Anchorage to meet him. Watch the...

9.27.72 – RN Creates First Anti-Terrorism Initiative

With unrest at home, an economic slump and two wars in the Middle East, our 21st century America faces several challenges. Among the most prominent is the ever-present threat of terrorism. On September 27, 1972, President Richard Nixon issued a statement in regard to...