Trivial Pursuit and the Nixon Era

Let’s get out that familiar box with the elegant script on top, open it, and pick a card at random. The question reads: What was Canada’s foremost cultural export of the 1980s? As hard as it may be to believe, the answer is not Michael J. Fox, but surely...

Nixon, Brown, and the 1960 California Primary

Fifty years ago, a fellow named Brown was on the Democratic primary ballot in California. Governor Pat Brown, father of Jerry, was seeking to be his state’s favorite son at the party’s presidential nominating convention. Vice President Nixon was unopposed...

Video: Dick Morris Packs the East Room

Queued on stage by the Fleetwood Mac hit and President Clinton’s 1992 campaign theme “Don’t Stop,” Fox News commentator and former Clinton adviser Dick Morris addressed a packed East Room at the Nixon Library on Tuesday. Afterword he signed...

Ed Nixon, Congressman Miller Highlight Memorial Day

Over 2,000 commemorated the Memorial Day holiday at the Nixon Library, where events started with a plaque dedication at RN’s Birthplace by the Native Sons of the Golden West, a fraternal organization dedicated to preserving the history of California. The Native...