Jerald F. terHorst and Eugene Allen, RIP

Wednesday marked the passing of two men who, in their respective ways, were part of memorable moments in White House history. In Takoma Park, Maryland, Eugene Allen died at age 90. He joined the White House pantry staff in the last months of the Truman presidency, and...

Jennings’ Heroes

In Regnery’s most recent Politically Incorrect Guide, author and Marine Corps veteran Phillip Jennings thinks highly of RN’s handling of the Vietnam War: If Mr. Jennings has a hero, other than the American and South Vietnamese soldiers who fought the...

Bruce Herschensohn’s New Book

On April 19, political commentator, former assistant to President Nixon, and 1992 Republican senatorial candidate Bruce Herschensohn comes to the Nixon Library to discuss his new book American Amnesia, which presents his thesis that had Congress been prepared to...

A Canadian View Of David Frum

Part of the political fallout resulting from the recently passed health-care legislation has been the alienation of David Frum from the conservative movement. Frum is a 49-year-old native of Toronto who, in the twenty-odd years since settling in New York after...

Ed Koch: RN A Friend To Israel

Contrasting what he calls President Obama’s ‘abysmal’ treatment of Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former New York City Mayor Ed Koch praises RN’s support for the Jewish state during the Yom Kippur War: it was Richard Nixon during...


Thirty-Six years ago today, RN commemorated the first anniversary of the last troop’s return home from Vietnam, now known as Vietnam Veterans Day. Below are the Thirty-Seventh President’s remarks: Just one year ago, the last American combat serviceman...