Jul 24, 2013 | Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, News, Nixon Today, Vietnam
President Nixon with conscripted troops in S. Vietnam, 1969. This month marks 40 years since the formal transition from mandatory, conscripted military service to all-volunteer armed services, which was initiated under President Nixon. The road there was bumpy and...
Jun 29, 2013 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today, Vietnam
Late this week, word reached the news media of the death on June 21 of Curtis W. Tarr at his home in Walnut Creek, California. The majority of Mr. Tarr’s career before his retirement was spent in the groves of academia; he was president of Lawrence University in...
Jun 1, 2013 | Library & Foundation, News, Nixon Library Events, Vietnam
Through this weekend, C-SPAN will periodically be broadcasting President Nixon’s toast to the American POWs of the Vietnam War, at the dinner held on May 24, 1973 to celebrate their return home – to this day, the largest dinner of any kind at the White...
May 25, 2013 | Nixon Legacy Forums, Nixon TV, POWs, Vietnam
May 25, 2013: A Nixon Legacy Forum on the extraordinary experiences and celebratory homecoming of the Vietnam POWs. Participants include Cmdr. Everett Alvarez (USN), 8-year POW; Lt. Col. Tom Hanton (USAF), President of NAM-POWs, 9-Month POW; Capt. Mike McGrath (USN),...
May 24, 2013 | News Media, Nixon TV, Vietnam
[youtube https://youtu.be/LemllfcAY8A] On May 24, 1973, President and First Lady Nixon hosted American Prisoners of War held captive in Vietnam for the largest dinner ever held at the White House. 40 years later, the Richard Nixon Foundation hosted what was perhaps...
Mar 9, 2013 | China, Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, Middle East, News, Nixon Centennial, Nixon Today, Vietnam
Although two months have passed since the centennial of President Nixon’s birth, it is only in the last week that two writers of eminence have written about it. Taki Theodoracopoulos, the Greek shipping heir, essayist, and bon vivant, and Conrad Black (also...