Charles McDowell’s Column On RN’s Resignation
Earlier this month Charles McDowell, who was on the staff of the Richmond Times-Dispatch from 1949 until 1998, died at the age of 84. For most of his career McDowell was the paper's Washington correspondent, and for 44 of those years he also produced a nationally...
Sandy Quinn Named New Foundation President
ANNOUNCEMENT FROM RON WALKER, CHAIRMAN RICHARD NIXON FOUNDATION Dear Friends of the Nixon Foundation: I am pleased to announce that at its annual meeting on November 11, the Board of Directors of the Richard Nixon Foundation selected long time Nixon library executive...
Wash Post: Eisenhowers Mine Memories of Ike’s Twilight Years
David and Julie Eisenhower are interviewed in this Washington Post feature for their new book Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life with Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961-1969. In 1969, Richard Nixon was eager to spend time at the Catoctin Mountains retreat reserved...
Video: The Eisenhowers Highlight Veterans Day
RN's daughter Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Ike's grandson, David Eisenhower spoke before a crowded East Room on Veterans Day about their newly released book, Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life with Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961-1969. Introduced by their long time...

David and Julie Eisenhower Discuss New Book on Ike
[youtube] November 11, 2010: RNs daughter Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Ikes grandson, David Eisenhower spoke on Veterans Day about their newly released book, 'Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life with Dwight D. Eisenhower,...
Nixon in 1966
The GOP resurgence calls to mind the 1966 midterm, another successful year for the party. RN was a big part of that success, as Warren Weaver wrote in The New York Times on November 13 of that year: The political equivalent of the batting championship for the 1966...
The Night Nixon Moved America
On Monday, November 3, 1969, President Richard M. Nixon sat at his desk in the Oval Office as the clock crawled toward 9:30 p.m. He was reviewing the words he would momentarily share with the American people. There wasn’t a Teleprompter in sight. Nixon instinctively...
Is Obama In 2010 Like Nixon In 1970?
This morning the Washington Post published a column stirring a lot of discussion in the blogosphere, as the hours tick by before the voters decide the elections that constitute the first major referendum on the Barack Obama presidency. It was co-written by Douglas...
Doing The Time Warp Again (And Again)
Tomorrow, on Halloween, a few minutes after 6 am, on a major cable channel, the thirty-seventh president of the United States will intone the passage of his August 8, 1974 speech to the nation that starts, "I am not a quitter. To leave office before my term is...
Video: William Voegeli on America’s Welfare State
Claremont McKenna, Henry Salvatori Center Visiting Scholar William Voegeli was at the Nixon Library on Thursday to discuss his new book, "Never Enough: America's Limitless Welfare State," a close look at the current state of American dependence on food stamps and...