Part III – The President’s Daily News Summary
Print media often referred to the Daily News Summary as the most exclusive newspaper in the world. It was a fair description because they were written to please just one person, RN himself. They began during the 1968 primaries by Pat Buchanan, who chose articles “the...
Part II – Sending The News To China
Few news summaries fell below 10 pages. In normal times, a short news summary ran perhaps 15, always single-spaced, and up to as many as 30 to 35 pages – in spite of constant efforts to keep them shorter. Even though some went long, we were reminded that the President...
Clifford Hardin, R.I.P.
The AP reports: Former U.S. agriculture secretary and University of Nebraska chancellor Clifford Hardin has died. The university confirmed Hardin passed away Sunday. He was 94. Hardin became chancellor in 1954 and then president when the University of Nebraska system...
Part I – Preparing President Nixon’s Daily News Summary
I was a young man just a few months shy of my 30th birthday, the father of a 3-year-old girl, husband in a marriage struggling to stay intact, when a Staff Assistant to the President of the United States asked me if I would like to work at the White House preparing...
Jerald F. terHorst and Eugene Allen, RIP
Wednesday marked the passing of two men who, in their respective ways, were part of memorable moments in White House history. In Takoma Park, Maryland, Eugene Allen died at age 90. He joined the White House pantry staff in the last months of the Truman presidency, and...
Jennings’ Heroes
In Regnery's most recent Politically Incorrect Guide, author and Marine Corps veteran Phillip Jennings thinks highly of RN's handling of the Vietnam War: If Mr. Jennings has a hero, other than the American and South Vietnamese soldiers who fought the battles, it is...

Bruce Herschensohn Discusses “An American Amnesia”
[youtube] April 2010: Bruce Herschensohn discusses his book, "An American Amnesia," the story about the last years of the Vietnam War.
Bruce Herschensohn’s New Book
On April 19, political commentator, former assistant to President Nixon, and 1992 Republican senatorial candidate Bruce Herschensohn comes to the Nixon Library to discuss his new book American Amnesia, which presents his thesis that had Congress been prepared to...
A Canadian View Of David Frum
Part of the political fallout resulting from the recently passed health-care legislation has been the alienation of David Frum from the conservative movement. Frum is a 49-year-old native of Toronto who, in the twenty-odd years since settling in New York after...
Ed Koch: RN A Friend To Israel
Contrasting what he calls President Obama's 'abysmal' treatment of Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former New York City Mayor Ed Koch praises RN's support for the Jewish state during the Yom Kippur War: it was Richard Nixon during the 1973 war, who...