
Diane Sawyer Speaks About Richard Nixon

As many of TNN's readers know, Diane Sawyer, the veteran newswoman who now anchors ABC's World News Tonight, spent the 1970s working in Richard Nixon's White House, then, after his resignation from the Presidency, in San Clemente as his assistant for his Memoirs. In...

A Moment In History

On 13 June 1971, General Alexander Haig, then Deputy Assistant to the President for Military Affairs, was the first to discuss with RN The New York Times' publication ---that Sunday morning--- of the first installment of the study that became known as the Pentagon...

HAK: “He Lived For His Country”

The following are excerpts of an interview by CBS Radio correspondent Abby Regier of former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger about Alexander Haig, who passed away this morning at the age of 85: "We worked together for many years, for...