Defense Secretary Robert Gates Honored By Nixon Center
Together with retired Air Force General Charles F. Boyd, RN’s daughter Julie Nixon Eisenhower presented Defense Secretary Robert Gates with the Nixon Center’s annual Distinguished Service Award in Washington on Wednesday, February 24. The program also included remarks...
Dr. Kissinger’s Tribute to General Haig
At Time's site today, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger writes about Gen. Alexander Haig's passing: Societies become rich through ingenuity and hard work. But they become great because they produce men and women who lift them beyond the moment. Alexander Haig, who served his...
Diane Sawyer Speaks About Richard Nixon
As many of TNN's readers know, Diane Sawyer, the veteran newswoman who now anchors ABC's World News Tonight, spent the 1970s working in Richard Nixon's White House, then, after his resignation from the Presidency, in San Clemente as his assistant for his Memoirs. In...
Nixon, Obama, and Health Insurance Price Controls
Steve Chapman writes of the president's proposal to control health insurance premiums: Barack Obama has often modeled his policies on Franklin Roosevelt. Lately, though, he's been coming across more as Richard Nixon Lite. In 1971, fed up with the steady rise of wages...
Bacevich: How About Some Nixonian Boldness
Scholar and retired soldier, Andrew Bacevich, wants U.S. leaders to be bold and abandon designs for redefining NATO's mission: When Gen. Stanley McChrystal's famous assessment of the situation in Afghanistan leaked to the media last year, most observers focused on his...
Richard Nixon On Health Care in ’74, ’94, And Today
Looking to secure a veneer of bipartisanship for their health care plans, Democrats have reached into the grave, exhuming the alleged endorsement of Richard Nixon. They claim that the health care legislation he proposed in 1971 and 1974 is a model for their own...
Watch Nixon Legacy Forum Live on
Update (2/22/2010, 7:28am PST): The Effective Use of the President's Time is now available on demand: The second Nixon Legacy forum, The Effective Use of the President's Time is now streaming live on as four West Wing staff discuss how they scheduled,...
President Obama, Secretary Clinton Praise Gen. Haig
President Obama issued a Statement from the White House on the death of General Haig: Today we mourn the loss of Alexander Haig, a great American who served our country with distinction. General Haig exemplified our finest warrior-diplomat tradition of those who...
A Moment In History
On 13 June 1971, General Alexander Haig, then Deputy Assistant to the President for Military Affairs, was the first to discuss with RN The New York Times' publication ---that Sunday morning--- of the first installment of the study that became known as the Pentagon...
HAK: “He Lived For His Country”
The following are excerpts of an interview by CBS Radio correspondent Abby Regier of former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger about Alexander Haig, who passed away this morning at the age of 85: "We worked together for many years, for...