
Interview with Edward F. Cox

Interview with Edward F. Cox

[youtube] January 9, 2010: Richard Nixon Son-in-law and newly elected Chairman of the New York Republican Party, Edward F. Cox, talks with Nixon Foundation Online Editor Jonathan Movroydis about RN's legacy and the future of the GOP.

1.9.1913 — 97 Years Ago Today

I was born in a house my father built.  My birth on the night of January 9, 1913, coincided with a record-breaking cold snap in our town of Yorba Linda, California.  Yorba Linda was a farming community of 200 people about thirty miles from Los Angeles, surrounded by...


Thirty-eight years ago today, PN arrived back from a trip to Africa in time to help RN celebrate his fifty-ninth birthday.  She was the first First Lady to visit Africa; her eight-day 10,000 mile trip to Liberia, Ghana, and the Ivory Coast (where half a million people...

Tom Wicker Talks About Nixon On C-SPAN3

This weekend on C-SPAN3, there will be two reruns of a 90-minute program taped in 1995, in which former New York Times reporter and columnist Tom Wicker discusses the thirty-seventh President. (Wicker's 1991 book One Of Us is, along with William Safire's Before The...

Buck Or Hot Potato?

In the old West, when the boys played poker at the saloon, or wherever, along with the cards, chips, money, and various beverages, the table was also adorned with a knife–one with a buckhorn handle. The knife was moved from place to place, depending on the person...