
Too Early For Halloween

Tomorrow night, the Los Angeles Angels go into this year's first round of the American League playoffs, facing the Boston Red Sox. Mike Shaughnessy of the Boston Globe recalls the days, three decades ago, when the Angels, in their first foray into the AL postseason,...

Annals Of The Obama Administration

The Wall Street Journal yesterday reported on the 45 works of art chosen by the First Lady from various government collections to adorn the White House. Loaned art in the Residence • Josef Albers – Homage to the Square: Elected II – Hirshhorn Museum • Josef Albers –...

How RN Saved The Peace Corps

In 1961, President Kennedy started the Peace Corps from an ambitious idea and a Marshall redux of sorts, an all- American volunteer program with three simple goals: 1) to help people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women, 2) to help...

Laughing Matters

Saturday Night Live's cold open did not go unnoticed on the Sunday morning talk shows --- providing the basis of this week's discussion about whether  and/or how much the bloom is off the rose. Like Darrell Hammond with Bill Clinton and Will Ferrell with W ---and last...

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

The Powers That Be: the President and Mrs. Obama with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley making their unsuccessful pitch for the '16 Olympics. The Obamas' journey to Copenhagen has produced a narrative more suited to Hans Christian Andersen than to David Axelrod. The...

Laughing Matters

I usually don't find imitation Top Ten Lists very funny --- but here's a tip o'the cap to Rich Lowry for the one he emailed to "The Corner" at NRO earlier today: Top 10 Reasons Chicago Didn't Get the Olympics 10. Dead people can't vote at IOC meetings 9. Obama...

The Statue In Yorba Linda

"Leader's Exhibit:" A statue of Mao ZeDong is featured with the bronze likenesses of nine other world leaders during RN's presidency at the Nixon Library. Today, as is noted elsewhere at TNN, the People's Republic of China celebrates its sixtieth anniversary. The day...

China At Sixty

China celebrates the 60th anniversary of its founding today. The massive military parade, propaganda films and genuine outpouring of pride by the Chinese people are befitting China’s growing clout and influence. I can not forget sitting up at midnight on July 1, 1997...