
Ted Sorensen’s Alternate History

This week Theodore "Ted" Sorensen, who was John F. Kennedy's closest aide from 1953 until the president's assassination a decade later, appeared at Canada's University of Western Ontario in London to speak about his career and to promote his recently published...

In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning…

There has been quite a lot of coverage this week of President Obama's early-morning journey on Thursday to Dover Air Force Base to witness the arrival of the remains of eighteen American servicemen killed in Afghanistan, and to meet with their families. At her blog at...

The New Nixon Podcast Is Up And Running

During a recent visit to the Nixon Library, I had a discussion with several people about the potential for a podcast, something designed to highlight the events at the library, as well as the larger work of the Nixon Foundation. We determined to use the recent visit...

Arnold’s Acrostic

RN sometimes used bad language in private, but what Governor Schwarzenegger did recently was much worse. To get back at a legislator who had taunted him, he inserted an obscene acrostic into a veto message for one of the legislator's bills.  This act was not a sudden...

Sonny Rises In The West

At 7 PM tonight in Yorba Linda, the Nixon Library will welcome Elvis Presley's friend and bodyguard Sonny West, who will talk about ---and sign copies of--- his book Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business. White House photographer Ollie Atkins captured a candid moment...

The New Realpolititik?

Ever since President Obama's took the oath of office twice last January, he's been compared by pundits to every previous Chief Executive since Millard Fillmore or at least Chester Alan Arthur. For the last week the Nixon comparisons have flown hot and heavy; next week...

Living The Nixon Legacy

(Photo credit, Gary Byron Photography): Murals of President and Mrs. Nixon's landmark voyage of peace to the People's Republic of China are on display at South Coast Plaza. I had always assumed that ping-pong was a relatively easy game –the activity that one plays at...