
Ted Kennedy’s Plea

The absence of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy last week from the funeral of his sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, followed by the death on Tuesday morning of columnist Robert Novak, who was diagnosed with brain cancer not long after the lawmaker fell ill from the same cause,...


President Obama and his family enjoyed and praised the beauty of Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon during their recent whirlwind western tour.  And Douglas Brinkley has written a doorstopper celebrating TR's role in creating our National Parks. But it was RN's Legacy...

Mass Appeal

Unguided Missal? Mass composer Leonard Bernstein in 1971. Last week on The New Yorker’s website, music critic Alex Ross wrote three articles based on newly released Freedom of Information Act-obtained government documents regarding inquiries into...

John Hughes    1950-2009

Director-writer-producer John Hughes died on 6 August while taking a walk in New York City.  He was 59. Ben Stein calls John Hughes "the poet of human exaltation, the poet of human happiness" --- and it's impossible to imagine a more infectiously joyous cinematic...

RN Revisited And Rethought

An article by Richard J. Cross III in yesterday's Baltimore Sun deserves quotation in full. Mr. Cross IDs himself somewhat in the piece; more recently he was press secretary and speechwriter for former Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich. In February, America celebrated the...