
More On The Ticket That Never Was

Today's Washington Post has an article by Frank Mankiewicz in which the political director of the 1972 McGovern campaign goes into more detail about the notion he toyed with in the hours after his candidate received the nomination one sweltering summer night in Miami...

Flush Times At The Watergate

This week, the Watergate Hotel went up for auction and, despite its enduring notoriety as the site of the June 1972 break-in that ultimately brought down Richard Nixon's presidency, found no takers - at least for the moment. (The development corporation that owned the...


Здравствуйте!: RN and PN arrive in Moscow for what would be a tense and historic trip. Photograph by Howard Sochurek for Life magazine. Fifty years ago today, Bill Safire knocked down a barrier and shouted to RN's military aide Don Hughes: "This way to the...

The Diplomate

In the Soviet Union in 1959, as on all of RN's Vice Presidential diplomatic trips abroad beginning in 1953, PN continued to break ground by pursuing her own independent and substantive schedule.   Her work was recognized by Life magazine with its 10 August cover....

That’s One Small Step For Oops….

Say What?:  "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." As Neil Armstrong later observed: "I didn’t intentionally make an inane statement . . . certainly the ‘a’ was intended, because that’s the only way the statement makes any sense.” The first words...

McGovern-Cronkite ’72?

A few minutes ago the fortieth anniversary arrived of the moment when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface. For most American TV viewers that awe-inspiring night, the voice commenting on the images that were seen over the next several hours belonged to Walter...

Now And Then

President Obama welcomed the Apollo XI crew to the White House today to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 1969 moon landing On 5 November 1969, RN welcomed the Apollo XI crew on the South Lawn at the conclusion of their international goodwill tour that brought...