
Reading Material

UC Davis history professor Ari Kelman has written a long and interesting review article for the latest TLS, surveying four recent books about Abraham Lincoln. He makes a particularly compelling case for Looking for Lincoln: The making of an American icon, by the...


  The tradition of a day of remembrance for those who died on both sides in the Civil War ---known as Decoration Day--- began in the late 1860s.  In 1882 the name was changed to Memorial Day and the fallen of other wars were also honored.  In 1971 President Nixon...

Wabash Wonk Revitalizes Republicans

In today's installment of his WaPo column "The Fix," Chris Cillizza profiles Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels: "Republican Revolutionary." The good news is: the profile is interesting and instructive.  The bad news is: Daniels has foresworn any further political...

Presidents And Popularity

In The New Republic, John Judis writes: Almost four months after his inauguration, President Barack Obama is still riding high in the polls. According to Gallup, 66 percent of Americans approve of the job he is doing. But I expect that Obama's popularity will begin to...

Cue “Victory At Sea”

There's been a lot of comment in the last 48 hours about former Vice President Dick Cheney's appearance on Face The Nation, and it was probably a matter of time before he was dubbed "the new Nixon" by someone. That someone turned out to be Phil Bronstein of the San...