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The headline in the Daily Telegraph was intriguing --- "Are UFO's real?  Famous people who believed" --- and the sub-head was promising --- The former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell has claimed that aliens exist and their visits are being covered up by the United...

The Airport To Nowhere

CNN has finally caught up with Carol D. Leonnig's story in Sunday's WaPo about the egregious porkfest that is the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Embedded video from <a href=""...

Michael Barone Reviews Nixonland

Rick Perlstein's Nixonland came out in paperback last week, a month after his study of Barry Goldwater's 1964 campaign, Before The Storm, was reissued by Nation Books. And, as it happens, the Claremont Institute's website has just put up the review of Nixonland by...

Is Gordon Brown The British Nixon?

When Gordon Brown replaced Tony Blair as the United Kingdom's Prime Minister just a few years ago, he enjoyed an somewhat extended honeymoon with the British press and public. There was some degree of sympathy for the Scottish politician because it was well-known why...

Sinking His Teeth Into A New Role

This November, Michael Sheen, whose performance as David Frost in Frost/Nixon impressed critics and audiences both onstage and on film, will undertake a somewhat different part - the leader of the Volturi vampire clan in New Moon, the sequel to the massive box-office...

Green Eggs And The White House

  Ever since Easter Monday 1878, when Rutherford B. Hayes opened the White House grounds to children for an egg roll, the White House has observed this springtime tradition. The Washington Times' Mark Silva reported on plans for this year's event: Now they've thought...

Annals Of The Obama Administration

  The President and First Lady leave St. John's Church after Easter Sunday services this morning. The First Family attended Easter Sunday services at St. John's Episcopal Church ---"the President's ---and Presidents'--- church"--- just across the street (and over...