
RN’s Hundred Days

David Greenberg, author of Nixon's Shadow and history professor at Rutgers, has an essay up at the Wall Street Journal's site comparing the expectations generated by President Obama's first hundred days (or the first 60 or so that have gone by so far) and what's been...

Some Forgotten Presidents Shouldn’t Be

On August 2, 1927, President Calvin Coolidge had breakfast in the White House residence with his wife, Grace, and remarked to her “I have been president four years today.” It was one of those quick, concise, directly-to-the-point sentences she had been used to hearing...

Defining Dignity Down

The President made his ground-breaking appearance on last night's Tonight Show --- the first sitting President ever to grace this particular gig. He looked great; he sounded great; he was thoughtful; he was clever; he was convincing; and, with the exception of one...

Claude Brinegar 1926 – 2009

Claude Brinegar, the second of RN's two Secretaries of Transportation, died yesterday in a nursing home in Palo Alto, California. He was 82. The LA Times published a comprehensive obituary: Claude Brinegar, who as U.S. transportation secretary led an overhaul of the...

Ron Silver    1946 – 2009

Ron Silver died in his sleep on Sunday at his home in Manhattan.  He was 62. When I was named editor of Saturday Review in 1984, one of my first tasks was to liven up that distinguished by moribund institution.  In my search for interesting and unusual reviewers and...

As Others See Us

("L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee En Ses Principales Parties ..."  This map of North America, from Pierre Mortier's Atlas Nouveau, was printed in either Amsterdam or Paris in 1692.  It depicts California as an island and and represents six, rather than five, Great...

Equal time for Democratic Poker Party

  Both the Republican Poker Party “Grand Ol’ Gang” and Democratic Poker Party “True Blues” are reproductions from paintings by Andy Thomas.  Mr. Thomas does Civil War, Oil Well and Western Prints.  There is a local art gallery in town, “The Galloping Goose” that has...