
“A Man Of The Center”

It's starting to look more and more as if the inauguration of President-elect Obama may augur an Era of Good Feelings not seen in the United States since James Monroe left the White House in 1825. Last week, a speaker at a public library not far from Richard Nixon's...


In the final hours of his tenure, President Bush commuted the sentences of Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos, the former Border Patrol agents who were serving time for shooting a drug smuggler. This action draws attention to the presidential pardon power...

19 January 2009

  Every now and then I guess we all think realistically about that day when we will be victimized with what is life's final common denominator—that something that we call death. We all think about it. And every now and then I think about my own death and I think about...

Reaching Out, 1969 and 2009

President-elect Obama has rightly received praise for reaching out to congressional Republicans.  But he's following an old path.  In 1969, RN did something similar.  From a The New York Times report dateline January 28, 1969 (published the next day): President Nixon...

Andrew Wyeth 1917-2009

Andrew Wyeth died yesterday in his sleep at his family home in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania; he was 91. On 19 February 1970, President and Mrs. Nixon hosted the Wyeths at a dinner they gave in his honor, on the occasion of the opening of an exhibition of his paintings in...

Is Len Colodny Next?

The website of the Washington Post yesterday featured an online chat between assorted websurfers from around the world and an author trying to promote his new book. That, in itself, is unsurprising; the Post hosts such a chat once or twice nearly every week. However,...

Celluoid Vs History, Take 261

Today's London Independent features another article about Frost/Nixon with some notable quotes from Sir David Frost, including his reflections on the pivotal moment in his videotaped interviews with RN: Under constant probing from Frost, the former president, giving...

John Mortimer 1923-2009

He was not a very nice man; but he was a very brilliant one.  Creator of Rumpole; author; playwright; adapter of classics; not to mention one of the greatest lawyers of his generation. The BBC supplies a sampling of his bon mots.  And the Daily Telegraph's drama...

Little Things Mean A Lot

Noted by Tom Shales in his critique of President Bush's farewell address: Although noting Bush has five more days in office before Obama is sworn in, CBS News anchor Katie Couric even prematurely deprived Bush of the traditional introduction afforded America's chief...

Ricardo Montalban, 1920-2009

Yesterday, a man left us who, for most Americans and many around the world, will always conjure up a host of treasured images - black-clad and dancing sensually with Cyd Charisse; slyly warbling "Baby It's Cold Outside" with Esther Williams; expansively telling us of...