
Ivies and Intellectuals

Quoting a tape in which RN complains to Henry Kissinger about the presidents of Ivy League institutions, a New Yorker article adds: David Skorton, the president of Cornell, was apprised of Nixon’s comments over the phone. “My mouth is open,” Skorton said, after the...

The Creature From The Oval Office

In today's Washington Post Peter Marks interviews Ron Howard, the director of Nixon/Frost, and Peter Morgan, its writer.  On C-SPAN's Washington Journal the other day Howard assured viewers that the film, already playing in New York and Los Angeles and scheduled to...

Plus Ca Change Plus C’est La Meme Chicago

  "With a little bit of luck, and the help of a few close friends, you're going to carry Illinois." ---1960 phone call by Mayor Richard J. Daley    "[The Illinois Senate Seat] is a [expletive deleted] valuable thing.  You just don't give it away for nothing." ---2008...

A One Time Only Invention

In today's New York Times, veteran science correspondent William A. Broad previews two new books that combine to do some rewriting ---or at least some major revision--- of the atomic history. The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and its Proliferation...

Is That A Threat Or A Promise?

The AP reported Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s comment about the the possibility of his cousin Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg being appointed to completeHillary Clinton's Senate term and running for the seat in 2010: Robert Kennedy said the family would come out en masse for...


From RN: In December 1941, thanks to the recommendations of one of y professors from Duke, David Cavers, I was offered a job with the Office of Price Administration in Washington.  The pay was only $3,200 a year, not nearly as much as Pat and I were making together...