
Two 1968 Myths in One

In Time, Jay Newton-Small writes a sentence with a minor mistake and a major one: Richard Nixon practically perfected the transformation in 1968, initially building his "silent majority" of conservatives freaked out by hippie war protesters and inner-city riots before...

George Carlin RIP

It's probably a good thing that George Carlin didn't believe in an afterlife. Because if he had, he would be turning over in his grave as a result of being remembered and lauded in the precincts of The New Nixon. He had no use and great contempt for our namesake; he...

Doughnuts To Dollars

In the next day or so I'll put up a post concerning dollars - that is to say, the estimated $300 million that Sen. Barack Obama may raise for his campaign, now that he has reversed his previous position and become the first major-party presidential candidate since...

Winston’s Way with Words

On the day that changed everything, September 11, 2001, then New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani seized the moment and guided that most unmanageable of all municipalities through its unsurpassed dark day. When the mayor reached the point of exhaustion in the early...

Still Scapegoating After All These Years

Republicans are comparing Barack Obama to Jimmy Carter.  Stuart Eizenstat, Carter's domestic policy adviser, claims that Carter does not deserve blame for the malaise of the late 1970s.  He says: “What led to the economic problems was the built-in inflation, which we...

Conrad Black on “Nixonland”

Countering Rick Perlstein's Nixonland, RN biographer Conrad Black argues that RN won in 1972 not because he was a good polarizer but because he was a good President: It is not mentioned that only Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt took office in more daunting...