Reading the Nixon Bios
When John Taylor extended me the invitation to contribute occasional pieces to The New Nixon, I accepted immediately and knew instantly what I would point to in my first post: How I judge whether or not to read a new work on Nixon. Here's my test: I open the index and...
Exploiting a Heart Attack
Last week, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman quoted Adlai Stevenson as warning of “Nixonland” – “a land of slander and scare.” Ironically, a vivid example of scare tactics came from Stevenson’s own lips at the end of the 1956 campaign. Crudely exploiting President...
The President Would be Fascinated with the Power of the Blogoshere
It's a great pleasure to welcome The New Nixon to the blogosphere. I think the thirty-seventh president would have been both fascinated by the power this amorphous nowhere-and-everywhere cybersphere now wields, and appalled (but also sometimes at least a little...
Marjorie Klein, wife of longtime RN aide Herb Klein, dies at 87
For years, Marjorie Klein was by the side of her husband, Herb Klein, on goodwill trips to foreign countries and embassy receptions. She was a partner but also a confidante to the former director of communications for President Nixon and Copley Newspapers executive....
Business Leader, Nixon Friend Carl Karcher Dies at 90
He was an Ohio farm boy with an eighth-grade education who turned his $326 investment in a hot dog stand into the multimillion-dollar Carl's Jr. fast food chain. He died January 11 at St. Jude's Medical Center in Fullerton of the aftereffects of a stroke and...
RN’s 95th Celebrated With Ceremony and Praise: Navy Admiral lays wreath, Sen. Simpson speaks
More than 350 visitors gathered at the Nixon Library on Wednesday, January 9, to celebrate the 95th anniversary of his birth, beginning with a formal wreath laying ceremony at the President's grave, just steps from the 37th President's modest birthplace. The ceremony...
Korean Ambassadors at Nixon Library Jan. 25
Ambassador Lee Tae-sik of the Republic of Korea and Ambassador Alexander Vershbow of the United States will discuss Korean-American trade, security on the Korean peninsula, and other issues important to Korean-American relations in a public dialogue at the Nixon...
Ron Walker on Passing of Old Friend Jack D’Arcy: Walker ran RN advance during D’Arcy’s trips
"Jack D'Arcy played a big part in all of President Nixon's travels.He and Tim Elboune were the Press Advance team who helped me with the care and feeding of the White House Press Corps while we planned and prepared all trips, both domestic and international. These...
Nixon White House Staffer, Charles Stuart, Dies at 69
Charles Stuart, Union College class of 1959, died August 19, 2007 at the ageof 69 at his home at Rose Hill [not Rose Hills Manor] in Port Tobacco, Maryland. Charles grew up in Ridgewood, New Jersey, and after Union served in the U.S. Army, then worked in several jobs...

Wreath Laying Ceremony on 94th Anniversary of Nixon’s Birthday
[youtube] January 9, 2007: Wreath laying at the memorial sites of President and Mrs. Nixon. Remarks by John H. Taylor and Deputy Commander Patrick McGrath (United States Navy).