
Art Linkletter at the Nixon Library
[youtube] January 2007: The TV commentator talks about his remarkable life in show business and "How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life."
Jerris Leonard, 75; Oversaw the Desegregation of Schools Under Nixon
By Patricia Sullivan, Washington Post: Jerris Leonard, an assistant attorney general for civil rights during the Nixon administration and the first administrator of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, died of complications of liver cancer July 27 at a...
Nixon, Agnew Aide Roy Goodearle Dies at 81
Announcement from the Houston Chronicle of May 28, 2006: JAMES ROY GOODEARLE passed away on Wednesday, the 24th of May, 2006 surrounded by his loving family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Harold Lee Goodearle and Mary Griggs Goodearle and his...
History finds room to land
By Eleeza V. Agopian and Cindy Arora, The Orange County Register: RIVERSIDE – The Army colonel was eating dinner with his family in his Virginia home, dreading the shrill sound of the fire-engine red rotary phone in his bedroom. "I knew it was coming," said retired...
CEO of the Court
The Heritage Foundation's Paul Rosenzweig examines Rehnquist's legacy: If Richard Nixon, who appointed William Rehnquist to the Supreme Court, or Ronald Reagan, who elevated him to chief justice, were alive today, they’d have to congratulate themselves on a job well...
RN Was the Man Behind “The Treasures of Tutankhamen” in 1976
Read the Los Angeles Times article about King Tut and RN: The Boy Shill How King Tut evolved from Cold War cultural ambassador to today's corporate pitchman By Christopher Knight, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer DEATH is not forever. "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of...
Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Visits Nixon Library
Apollo 11 Astronaut and American icon Buzz Aldrin discussed his new book for children, “Reaching for the Moon,” at the Nixon Library Saturday before a sold-out audience in the White House East Room. Dr. Aldrin discussed the future of the space program as well as his...
Bill Stover Dies of Heart Failure at 75
William Willard Stover, who served on Vice President Nixon's staff, died of congestive heart failure April 22 at his home in San Diego. He had been incapacitated by a stroke and confined to his home for nearly 12 years. A service celebrating his life was held...
Nixon Administration Official Pat Hitt Dies at 87
Patricia Reilly Hitt, longtime political and civic volunteer, public official and a pioneer for women in politics and government, died peacefully Monday afternoon, January 9, at her home on Balboa Island of natural causes. As national co-chair of the 1968 Nixon...
When Night Fell In Indochina
By Bruce Herschensohn On April 30, 1975, Saigon's name was changed to Ho Chi Minh City. Within hours, the American Embassy had been ransacked and left in ruins. Up to a million residents were forcibly moved to the countryside. So-called New Economic Zones (NEZ's) and...