Presidents Nixon and Truman: Reconciliation at the Truman Library
Richard Nixon playing the "Missouri Waltz" at the dedication of the Harry Truman Presidential Library and Museum, March 21, 1969. Courtesy of the Truman Presidential Library and Museum. "Powerful ideological differences cannot always be bridged with personal...

Statement on the Passing of Mrs. Reagan
Governor and Mrs. Reagan with their friends President and Mrs. Nixon at La Casa Pacifica in San Clemente. Offer Your Condolences to the Reagan Family at the Nixon Library The Richard Nixon Foundation invites the public in the Orange County area to visit the Nixon...
The Burden of Bretton Woods
“Only a truly convincing shift to new policies of prudence and restraint can accomplish this all-important objective.” — Richard Nixon, 1968 Campaign When President Nixon took office in 1969, inflation, excessive balance of payments deficits and a...

Remembering Hubert Perry
Hubert Perry, longtime friend of Richard Nixon and enduring supporter of the Nixon Library, passed away Saturday, February 20, in Whittier, California. He was 102 years old.
Long before first black president, Nixon forged strong civil rights legacy
With President Obama now in the final year of his presidency, the discussions on the editorial pages and talk shows about his legacy will predictably increase in frequency. Some of that discussion, especially during this Black History Month, will understandably...
A Public Plan for Peace
“Just as secret negotiations can sometimes break a public deadlock, public disclosure may help to break a secret deadlock.” — President Nixon For much of President Nixon’s first term, the secret diplomatic meetings between chief North Vietnamese...

The 1971 State of the Union: Nixon’s Six Great Goals
A 45-year flashback of tonight’s State of the Union address presents a president with a broad, ambitious, and very progressive agenda. Though known for his prowess in foreign policy, President Nixon’s 1971 speech was almost entirely oriented in domestic policy....
Israel and the Nuclear Weapons Issue
Invariably delicate and volatile, the Arab-Israeli peace process reached a critical juncture at the beginning of Nixon’s presidency as violence in the region escalated. At his first press conference on January 27, 1969, President Nixon summed up his assessment of the...
A Glimpse of Nixon’s Strategic Arms Concerns
One of the greatest accomplishments of Richard Nixon’s presidency occurred with the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks Agreement (SALT I) in 1972. President Nixon and Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev agreed to limit growth in the number of...
2 Nixons
Jeff Stoneberger, a thirty-something chef trained at the renowned Culinary Institute of America, sees himself as the culinary version of Richard Nixon. Working in his hometown of Charleston, South Carolina, he named his recently launched and quickly popular pop-up...