
Is Christie the New Nixon?

“In formulating my policies, I tried to strike a moderate balance. Inevitably I dissatisfied the people on both extremes…So let’s just tackle the problems instead of talking about them. We will be judged by what we do rather than what we say on this issue.” –RN, The...

Richard Nixon and November 22, 1963

In just under two weeks - on a Friday, as the workings of the calendar would have it - will fall the fiftieth anniversary of an event that took place early on a Friday afternoon in Dallas, Texas, which marked one of American history's most profound tragedies. November...

Nixoncare v. Obamacare

Increased federal healthcare costs and healthcare costs as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are tearing apart the monetary fabric of this nation. One thing is certain: the inflationary nature of healthcare costs is exceedingly unsustainable, for both the...