
February 24, 1972 – The Great Wall

On his fourth day in China, President Nixon left the meeting room and ventured out to see some of China’s most famous sights. The first stop on the agenda, about an hour and a half drive from Peking, was the Ba Da Ling section of the Great Wall of China. The sheer...

40 Years Ago – RN Goes to China

Former Nixon aide and future U.S. Ambassador to China Winston Lord, and Daily Beast contributor and then diplomatic correspondent Leslie Gelb, write of the 37th President’s diplomatic tour de force: Forty years past, world politics were churning with a vicious Vietnam...

The War On Cancer After Forty Years

Tomorrow, December 23, marks four decades since President Nixon put his pen to paper and signed into law the National Cancer Act of 1971, which marks one of the most important and imperishable legacies of his Administration. It dramatically increased funding to the...

Tricia Nixon Cox En Vogue

Our President's daughter was invited to join actress Meryl Streep in the lead feature of January's Vogue Magazine! The story and photo essay detail a bipartisan group of women who are spearheading the campaign for a National Women's History Museum on the Mall in...