
Secretary Clinton On Asia Today

In the October 1967 issue of Foreign Affairs, an article appeared under the byline of Richard Nixon, "Asia After Viet Nam."  (The two-word spelling of this country's name was what the magazine's editors favored, but here I'll use the more familiar form.)  At that time...

“The Gift That Keeps On Giving”

The phrase above has a long history, and, apart from certain quarters of the Fourth Estate, has a variety of meanings. It was originated back in the Roaring Twenties, somewhere in the offices of the Victor Talking Machine Company, part of the Radio Corporation of...

Roger Williams 1924-2011

"Pianist to the Presidents" Roger Williams  has died. He was 87. Performing at the White House since the days of the Truman Presidency, Williams was a dear friend to the Nixon Family and the Richard Nixon Foundation. Williams first performed for President Nixon at the...

Again With the “Southern Strategy”

At The Dallas Morning News, Jim Mitchell writes: In 1968, Richard Nixon swept into office with something called "the southern strategy," which many Republican candidates have used as a wedge issue to attract white southern voters. It is a main reason GOP candidates...

Breitbart: “I’m Nixonesque”

“I will do anything for the cause, ” said online media superstar and commentator Andrew Breitbart before a crowd Thursday at the Nixon Library, where he discussed and signed copies of his new book about media bias, Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the...

What McGovern Learned

Years after losing to RN in the 1972 presidential election, George McGovern started a small business.  In part because of taxes and government regulations, it went bust.  At the Houston Chronicle, Chris Ladd writes: McGovern described the lessons he learned from his...