“The Making Of The President” On DVD
Between 1961 and 1973, the late journalist Theodore H. White published four books about the Presidential elections from 1960 to 1972. The first of these, The Making Of The President 1960, about the contest between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, won the Pulitzer...
Just Released: Summer 2011 Newsletter
The Foundation’s quarterly newsletter was just mailed to its members, friends and supporters with announcements on upcoming activities and reports on recent events. It is also available online, read it now below! RN Newsletter Summer 2011
7.24.1969 – Apollo 11 Astronauts Return from the Moon
In July of 1969, the world watched in wonder as the United States of America became the first nation to put a man on the moon. The progress of the Apollo 11 lunar mission captivated the hearts and imaginations of the American people in particular, including President...
“All in the Family”
Although saying that "All in the Family" was a fun show, an article in the International Business Times notes its shortcomings as sociology: Archie Bunker claimed he was Republican, as reflected by his admiration of President Richard Nixon; and later President Ronald...
Gallery: Celebrating 21 years
The Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace opened its doors 21 years ago, to 50,000 friends and well wishers. Four Presidents and First Ladies were on hand for the dedication, held outdoors in the California summer to welcome Orange County’s most famous son back home....
Video: Laura Ingraham Talks New Bestseller
“I didn’t adopt my children to be adopted by American pop culture,” Fox News contributor and radio talk show star Laura Ingraham told a packed crowd in the Nixon Library’s White House East Room. “It is the cult of celebrity that is now setting the norms for all of us....
Write Your Condolences to the Ford Family
Visitors to the Richard Nixon Library are invited to sign a condolence book for First Lady Betty Ford, which will be sent to her family. The book will be available until the end of the week. As First Lady, Mrs. Ford brought attention to issues of national social...
LA TIMES: “When the Little Ball Moved the Big Ball”
The Nixon Foundation's 40th anniversary of ping pong diplomacy hit the top of the sports page in Saturday's edition of the Los Angeles Times (Click here to see the Times' photo gallery of Friday's ping pong events.): When 'the little ball moved the big ball' four...
Commemorating 40 Years of Ping-Pong Diplomacy
The Richard Nixon Foundation, together with the United States Association of Table Tennis, the University of Southern California U.S.-China Institute, and the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles presented the 40th Anniversary of...
RN on American Decline
Forty years ago today, RN spoke to Midwestern news executives. In The New York Times, Tom Switzer quotes that speech to suggest that RN embraced American decline: Not only had the Soviets matched U.S. military might, the old cold warrior conceded, but Japan and...