
RN & Gingrich

At The New York Times "Caucus" blog, Matt Bai compares Newt Gingrich to RN: [I]f Mr. Gingrich is looking for hopeful historical comparisons, the more apt one might be Richard Nixon. Unlike Mr. Reagan, who even in his lower moments retained a certain celebrity appeal,...

Robert Ellsworth 1926-2011

Former Congressman and Richard Nixon campaign and administration official, Ambassador Robert Ellsworth passed away earlier this week. He was 84. Ellsworth served as a Special Assistant to the President from 1969 to 1971, before RN appointed him as Ambassador to the...

“Duke Missed A Prize” In 1981

North Carolina, the "Tar Heel State," is the birthplace of two Presidents, James Knox Polk and Andrew Johnson. (Andrew Jackson is recorded as having been born in South Carolina, near its northern border, but some historians still argue that the seventh President came...

How American, RN 1913-1994

On April 27, 1994, on the day of Richard Nixon's state funeral attended by four living Presidents, Senator Bob Dole gave a stirring eulogy in honor of the 37th President, calling his story the epitome of the American dream and the era he lived in the "Age of Nixon." I...

The Quotable Richard Nixon

It is interesting to take note of some of the most well-known quotes that defined RN, over the course of his life and now in the annals history. This is also meant to coincide with the recently-held Nixon Legacy Forum “Writing for 37,” which featured several of...