Nixon National Energy Conference
Gathering of senior public policy officials, traditional and clean energy industry leaders and environmental stewards for an up-close dive into the rapidly changing energy field.

“If our energy resources are properly developed, they can fulfill our energy requirement for centuries to come.”
—Richard Nixon

Marking the 50th anniversary of America’s First Energy Policy
Presented by the William E. Simon Foundation
April 18, 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of President Nixon’s second message to Congress on energy, which amounted to America’s first comprehensive energy strategy. As a commemoration, the Richard Nixon Foundation hosted the Nixon National Energy Conference, a two-day gathering of senior public policy officials, traditional and clean energy industry leaders and environmental stewards for an up-close dive into the rapidly changing energy field.
Watch the Nixon National Energy Conference
Opening Video
President Nixon’s Energy Policy
50 Years Later
The Nixon Plan: Lessons from Five Decades Ago
Panel Discussion
America’s 21st Century Energy Policy
Panel Discussion
Fueling the Future: Traditional Energy vs. Clean Technology
Panel Discussion
Closing Remarks
Vice President Mike Pence