President Nixon Discusses Energy Policy

President Nixon Discusses Energy Policy

September 26, 1971: President Nixon gives remarks at the Atomic Energy Agency’s Hanford Works nuclear site in Richland, Washington, and outlines his administration’s plan to develop cleaner, renewable, and more plentiful sources of energy.
State of the Union 1972

State of the Union 1972

January 20, 1972: President Nixon delivers the annual State of the Union Address to Congress.
Checkers Speech

Checkers Speech

September 23, 1952: President Nixon’s famous Checkers Speech.
The Great Silent Majority

The Great Silent Majority

November 3, 1969: President Nixon seeks to answer many of America’s questions regarding the war in Vietnam in this national address.
Oxford Union Speech

Oxford Union Speech

November 1978: President Nixon takes questions from British and American students and talks about foreign affairs at the Oxford Union.