Tape 822, Conversation 8 (822-008)

Date: December 13, 1972 Time: 3:48 pm ­ 4:13 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with George P. Shultz, Edwin S. Cohen and Lewis A. Engman. Greetings -Shultz’s birthday Department of the Treasury -Personnel -Ages -Staff meeting -Cohen and Shultz -Support...

Tape 822, Conversation 11 (822-011)

Date: December 13, 1972 Time: 4:15 pm ­ 4:55 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Henry M. (“Scoop”) Jackson. Greetings Jackson’s trip to Europe and Middle East -Speech -Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT] -Golda Meir -Meeting with...

Tape 822, Conversation 12 (822-012a)

Date: December 13, 1972 Time: Unknown between 4:53 pm and 6:09 pm -32- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. June-08) Location: Oval Office The President met with Stephen B. Bull and Manolo Sanchez. The President’s schedule -Request for a...

Tape 822, Conversation 12 (822-012b)

Date: December 13, 1972 Time: Unknown between 4:53 pm and 6:09 pm -32- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. June-08) Location: Oval Office The President met with Stephen B. Bull and Manolo Sanchez. The President’s schedule -Request for a...

Tape 820, Conversation 16 (820-016)

Date: December 12, 1972 Time: 1:30 pm – 1:55 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Alexander P. Butterfield. The President’s schedule -Meeting [with Jewell S. Lafontant] -Timing -Items for the President’s signature -Gen. Andrew J....

Tape 818, Conversation 2 (818-002)

Date: December 5, 1972 Time: ll:43 am – 12:05 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman, Lucy A. Winchester, and Stephen B. Bull. The President’s schedule -Christmas season -Hanukkah -Thelma C. (“Pat”)...

Tape 818, Conversation 4 (818-004)

Date: December 5, 1972 Time: 12:26 pm ­ 12:30 pm – 11 – NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct.-07) Location: Oval Office The President met with Henry O. Dormann and Herbert G. Klein.The White House photographer and Stephen B....

Tape 392, Conversation 14 (392-014b)

Date: January 1, 1973 Time: 11:20 am – 1:10 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Charles W. Colson. Public relations [PR] -The President’s meeting with George E. Allen -Television [TV] coverage -Effect -US bombing of North Vietnam...

Tape 392, Conversation 14 (392-014a)

Date: January 1, 1973 Time: 11:20 am – 1:10 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Charles W. Colson. Public relations [PR] -The President’s meeting with George E. Allen -Television [TV] coverage -Effect -US bombing of North Vietnam...

Tape 387, Conversation 7 (387-007a)

Date: December 5, 1972 Time: 10:15 am – 11:38 am Location: Executive Office Building The President met with George P. Shultz and John D. Ehrlichman. The White House photographer was present at the beginning of the meeting. Greetings Economy -Cost of living -Wage...