Tape 34, Conversation 54 (034-054)

Date: December 12, 1972 Time: 8:31 pm ­ 8:38 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Vietnam negotiations -Henry A. Kissinger’s message -Length -Tone -Compared to telephone call -Protocols -Work by experts -Washington...

Tape 34, Conversation 42 (034-042)

Date: December 11, 1972 Time: 4:59 pm ­ 5:01 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Ronald L. Ziegler. -38- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Dec.-07) [See Conversation No. 385-10] Announcements -George P. Shultz...

Tape 34, Conversation 30 (034-030)

Date: December 10, 1972 Time: 12:04 pm ­ unknown before 12:55 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Anatoliy F. Dobrynin. [See Conversation No. 384-4C] Dobrynin’s schedule Expression of appreciation -Trip by [Tricia Nixon Cox and Edward R....

Tape 34, Conversation 19 (034-019)

Date: December 5, 1972 Time: 8:56 am ­ 8:59 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Col. Richard T. Kennedy. [See Conversation No. 387-4C] Vietnam negotiations -Call from Henry A. Kissinger -Paris meeting -Timing -Kissinger’s possible return...

Tape 34, Conversation 18 (034-018)

Date: December 5, 1972 Time: 8:26 am ­ 8:27 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Charles W. Colson. [See Conversation No. 387-4B] Colson’s location Vietnam negotiations -The President’s conversation with Col Richard T. Kennedy...

Tape 33, Conversation 115 (033-115)

Date: November 19, 1972 Time: 10:58 am ­ 10:59 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Cmdr. Craig S. Campbell. U Trip to Camp David -Helicopter -Arrangements -Weather conditions

Tape 33, Conversation 113 (033-113)

Date: November 19, 1972 Time: 10:57 am ­ 10:58 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Julie Nixon Eisenhower. U ***************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift]...

Tape 33, Conversation 112 (033-112)

Date: November 19, 1972 Time: 10:56 am ­ 10:57 am – 132 – NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY Tape Subject Log (rev. June-07) Location: White House Telephone The President talked with White House operator. U Request a call to Julie Nixon...

Tape 33, Conversation 110 (033-110)

Date: November 19, 1972 Time: 10:51 am ­ 10:56 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with White House operator. U Request a call to H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman

Tape 33, Conversation 109 (033-109)

Date: November 19, 1972 Time: 10:49 am ­ 10:51 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Ronald L. Ziegler. Second term reorganization -[Washington Star] story -Source -Ziegler’s recent conversation with John D. Ehrlichman -Camp David...