Tape 865, Conversation 27 (865-027)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: Unknown between 4:23 pm and 4:25 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with an unknown man. Participants for subsequent meeting The unknown man left at an unknown time before 4:25 pm.

Tape 865, Conversation 28 (865-028a)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: 4:25 pm-5:46 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Roy L. Ash, George P. Shultz, John D. Ehrlichman, and H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman. Greetings Statistics Governor’s meeting -Nelson A. Rockefeller -Death of Winthrop...

Tape 865, Conversation 28 (865-028b)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: 4:25 pm-5:46 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Roy L. Ash, George P. Shultz, John D. Ehrlichman, and H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman. Greetings Statistics Governor’s meeting -Nelson A. Rockefeller -Death of Winthrop...

Tape 865, Conversation 29 (865-029)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: Unknown after 5:46 pm Location: Oval Office Unknown men met. Schedule This recording was cut off at an unknown time after 5:46 pm.

Tape 865, Conversation 9 (865-009)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: Unknown between 8:43 am and 9:01 am Location: Oval Office The President talked with the White House operator. [See Conversation No. 37-4]

Tape 865, Conversation 10 (865-010)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: 9:01 am-9:02 am Location: Oval Office The President talked with Roger E. Johnson. [See Conversation No. 37-5] -6- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev....

Tape 865, Conversation 11 (865-011)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: Unknown between 9:02 am and 9:12 am Location: Oval Office The President talked with an unknown person. Henry A. Kissinger’s location -Return

Tape 865, Conversation 12 (865-012)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: Unknown between 9:02 am and 9:12 am Location: Oval Office The President met with Alexander P. Butterfield. Request that John W. Dean, III join him Butterfield left at an unknown time before 9:12 am.

Tape 865, Conversation 13 (865-013)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: Unknown between 9:02 am and 9:12 am Location: Oval Office The President talked with an unknown person. President’s schedule -Office -7- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev....

Tape 865, Conversation 14 (865-014a)

Date: February 28, 1973 Time: 9:12 am-10:23 am Location: Oval Office The President met with John W. Dean, III. [Transcripts of this conversation may be found in RG 460, Box 172, pp. 1-48; 8RPC, pp. 19-46; SRPC, pp. 76-110 (1-35); SI, Bk. III, pt.1, pp. 617-87 (1-71),...