Tape 409, Conversation 12 (409-012)

Date: February 6, 1973 Time: Unknown between 1:57 pm and 2:47 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President talked with the White House operator. [See Conversation No. 43-31]

Tape 408, Conversation 3 (408-003a)

Date: February 5, 1973 Time: 2:58 pm – 4:05 pm. Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Earl L. Butz, James T. Lynn, Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger and Stephen B. Bull. The White House photographer was present at the beginning of the...

Tape 408, Conversation 3 (408-003b)

Date: February 5, 1973 Time: 2:58 pm – 4:05 pm. Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Earl L. Butz, James T. Lynn, Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger and Stephen B. Bull. The White House photographer was present at the beginning of the...

Tape 408, Conversation 4 (408-004)

Date: February 5, 1973 Time: Unknown between 4:05 pm and 4:08 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President talked with the White House operator. Call to Stephen B. Bull

Tape 408, Conversation 5 (408-005)

Date: February 5, 1973 Time: Between 4:08 pm and 4:09 pm Location: Executive Office Building 11 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Aug.-09) The President talked with Stephen B. Bull. [See Conversation No....

Tape 408, Conversation 6 (408-006)

Date: February 5, 1973 Time: Unknown between 4:09 pm and 4:10 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Manolo Sanchez. The President’s schedule -Meeting with Charles W. Colson Sanchez left at an unknown time before 4:10...

Tape 408, Conversation 7 (408-007)

Date: February 5, 1973 Time: 4:10 pm – 4:46 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Charles W. Colson. Schedule -Colson -Trip to the Union of Soviet Republics [USSR] Manolo Sanchez entered at an unknown time after 4:10 pm....

Tape 408, Conversation 8 (408-008)

Date: February 7, 1973 Time: Unknown between 2:15 pm and 2:29 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Manolo Sanchez. ********************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] Dictation...

Tape 408, Conversation 9 (408-009)

Date: February 7, 1973 Time: 2:29 pm – 2:30 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Stephen B. Bull. The President’s schedule -John D. Ehrlichman – 20 – NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Aug.-09)...

Tape 408, Conversation 10 (408-010)

Date: February 7, 1973 Time: 2:35 pm – 3:07 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President met with George Shultz and John D. Ehrlichman. Budget -Congressional hearings -Publicity -Televised hearings Economic policy -The President’s meeting with...