Tape 162, Conversation 8 (162-008)

Date: February 24, 1973 Time: 6:10 pm-6:16 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with Henry A. Kissinger. Kissinger’s visit to New York -Theater -Meeting with Egyptians -Hafiz Ismail Press relations -James B. (“Scooty) Reston’s...

Tape 161, Conversation 1 (161-001)

Date: February 2 or 3, 1973 Time: Unknown between 3:43 pm, February 2, and 3:30 pm, February 3, 1973 Location: Camp David Study Table Unknown man talked with the Camp David operator. [See Conversation No. 241-4D] Call to Hagerstown Unknown man talked with [first name...

Tape 161, Conversation 2 (161-002)

Date: February 2 or 3, 1973 Time: Unknown between 3:43 pm, February 2, and 3:30 pm, February 3, 1973 Location: Camp David Study Table Ruth L. Krell talked with Frank A. Siscos. [See Conversation No. 241-4F] – 2 – NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape...

Tape 161, Conversation 3 (161-003)

Date: February 3, 1973 Time: 3:30 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with the Camp David operator. [See Conversation No. 241-8] Call to Tricia Nixon Cox -Location -Georgia

Tape 161, Conversation 4 (161-004)

Date: February 3, 1973 Time: Unknown between 3:30 pm and 5:18 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The Camp David operator talked with the President. [See Conversation No. 241-9] – 3 – NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jul.-09)...

Tape 161, Conversation 5 (161-005)

Date: February 3, 1973 Time: 5:18 pm-5:22 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with Tricia Nixon Cox. [See Conversation No. 241-10A] ****************************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed...

Tape 37, Conversation 197 (037-197)

Date: March 21, 1973 Time: 7:25 pm-7:26 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Gen. Brent G. Scowcroft. Message for President -Delivery -Manolo Sanchez – 146 – NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY Tape Subject Log (rev....

Tape 37, Conversation 198 (037-198)

Date: March 21, 1973 Time: Unknown between 7:26 pm and 7:27 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with the White House operator. Request for a call to Brig. Gen. Brent G. Scowcroft

Tape 37, Conversation 199 (037-199)

Date: March 21, 1973 Time: 7:27 pm-7:28 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Gen. Brent G. Scowcroft. Message for President -Delivery -Manolo Sanchez -President’s order

Tape 37, Conversation 200 (037-200)

Date: March 21, 1973 Time: Unknown between 7:28 pm and 7:35 pm – 147 – NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY Tape Subject Log (rev. Sept-09) Location: White House Telephone The President talked with the White House operator. Request for a call to Alexander M. Haig,...