Tape 943, Conversation 8 (943-008c)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: Unknown between 11:31 am and 3:12 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Leonid I. Brezhnev and Viktor M. Sukhodrev. Oval Office -Description Weather -Camp David Ronald L. Ziegler Seating arrangements Reporters Ziegler and members of...

Tape 943, Conversation 8 (943-008d)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: Unknown between 11:31 am and 3:12 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Leonid I. Brezhnev and Viktor M. Sukhodrev. Oval Office -Description Weather -Camp David Ronald L. Ziegler Seating arrangements Reporters Ziegler and members of...

Tape 943, Conversation 9 (943-009)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: Unknown between 10:13 am and 10:35 am Location: Oval Office Two unknown men met at an unknown time after 10:13 am. President’s schedule -Photographs -Leonid I. Brezhnev -Meeting schedule The two men left at an unknown time before 10:35...

Tape 943, Conversation 10 (943-010)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: Unknown between 10:35 am and 10:40 am Location: Oval Office An unknown man and unknown woman met. President’s schedule [?] The unknown persons left at an unknown time before 10:54 am.

Tape 943, Conversation 11 (943-011)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: Unknown between 10:40 am – 10:54 am Location: Oval Office Unknown people met. Arrival ceremony The unknown people left at an unknown time before 10:54 am. -19- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev....

Tape 943, Conversation 1 (943-001a)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: 9:20 am – 10:13 am Location: Oval Office The President met with Alexander M. Haig, Jr. President’s schedule -Leonid I. Brezhnev visit -Henry A. Kissinger -Beltsville, Maryland -Signing ceremony -Signing of agreements -Cultural,...

Tape 943, Conversation 1 (943-001b)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: 9:20 am – 10:13 am Location: Oval Office The President met with Alexander M. Haig, Jr. President’s schedule -Leonid I. Brezhnev visit -Henry A. Kissinger -Beltsville, Maryland -Signing ceremony -Signing of agreements -Cultural,...

Tape 943, Conversation 2 (943-002)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: Unknown between 10:14 am and 10:35 am Location: Oval Office The President met with Ronald L. Ziegler. Watergate -John W. Dean, III -President’s previous conversation with Alexander M. Haig, Jr. -White House strategy -Press reports...

Tape 943, Conversation 3 (943-003)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: Unknown between 10:27 am and 10:35 am Location: Oval Office The President met with an unknown man. Leonid I. Brezhnev visit -Brezhnev’s schedule -15- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. August-2011) -Television...

Tape 943, Conversation 4 (943-004)

Date: June 18, 1973 Time: Unknown between 10:27 am and 10:35 am Location: Oval Office The President met with an unknown man. Leonid I. Brezhnev visit -Schedule -Helicopter delay -Weather -Maj. John V. (“Jack”) Brennan The unknown man left at an unknown...