Tape 158, Conversation 12 (158-012)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: 11:53 am – 11:54 am Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with Cdr. Alexander R. Larzelere. [See Conversation No. 237-16] Raymond K. Price, Jr.’s schedule -Arrival at Camp David -Accommodations -Birch Lodge...

Tape 158, Conversation 13 (158-013)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: 11:55 am – 11:59 am Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with Charles G. (“Bebe”) Rebozo. [See Conversation No. 237-17] Rebozo’s schedule -Meeting with George C. Wallace -The President’s...

Tape 158, Conversation 14 (158-014)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: Unknown between 11:59 am and 12:01 pm -19- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. May-08) Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with the Camp David operator. [See Conversation No. 237-18] Request for...

Tape 158, Conversation 15 (158-015)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: 12:01 pm – 12:08 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with Henry A. Kissinger. [See Conversation No. 237-19] Vietnam War -US-People’s Republic of China [PRC] relations -Chou En-Lai’s statement...

Tape 158, Conversation 16 (158-016)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: 12:08 pm – 12:09 pm Location: Camp David Study Table Col. Richard T. Kennedy talked with the President. [See Conversation No. 237-20] Kennedy’s and Gerald L. Warren’s schedules -Arrival to Camp David -Timing...

Tape 158, Conversation 17 (158-017)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: Unknown between 12:09 pm and 12:13 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with the Camp David operator. [See Conversation No. 237-21] -22- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. May-08) Request for...

Tape 158, Conversation 18 (158-018)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: 12:13 pm – 12:37 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with Charles W. Colson. [See Conversation No. 237-22] Vietnam War -Cessation of US bombing north of 20 Parallel th -Announcement -Press relations -US bombing...

Tape 158, Conversation 19 (158-019)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: 5:03 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with the Camp David operator. [See Conversation No. 237-25] Request for a call to Col. Richard T. Kennedy

Tape 158, Conversation 20 (158-020)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: 5:06 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with the Camp David operator. [See Conversation No. 237-26] Col. Richard T. Kennedy’s location -State Department Request for a call to Henry A....

Tape 158, Conversation 21 (158-021)

Date: December 29, 1972 Time: Unknown between 5:06 pm and 5:12 pm Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with the Camp David operator. -28- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. May-08) [See Conversation No. 237-28] Request for a...