Tape 32, Conversation 112 (032-112)

Date: November 1, 1972 Time: 10:44 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with the White House operator. [See Conversation No. 379-12] Request for a meeting with Charles W. Colson

Tape 32, Conversation 113 (032-113)

Date: November 1, 1972 Time: Unknown between 10:44 am and 10:45 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with the White House operator. [See Conversation No. 379-13] Request for a call to John A. Scali

Tape 32, Conversation 114 (032-114)

Date: November 1, 1972 Time: 10:45 am – 10:46 am 85 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) Location: White House Telephone The President talked with John A. Scali. [See Conversation No. 379-14] The President’s recent call to...

Tape 32, Conversation 115 (032-115)

Date: November 1, 1972 Time: Unknown between 10:46 am and 11:15 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with the White House operator. [See Conversation No. 379-15A] Request for a call to John F. Collins [former mayor of Boston] -Charles W....

Tape 32, Conversation 38 (032-038)

Date: October 25, 1972 Time: 2:30 pm – 2:32 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Alexander P. Butterfield. [See Conversation No. 372-30] The President’s forthcoming radio address on the American farmer, October 27 -Text -Completion...

Tape 32, Conversation 39 (032-039)

Date: October 25, 1972 Time: Unknown between 2:53 pm and 3:03 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with the White House operator. [See Conversation No. 372-33] Request for a call to Stephen B. Bull.

Tape 32, Conversation 40 (032-040)

Date: October 25, 1972 Time: 3:03 pm – 3:04 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Stephen B. Bull. [See Conversation No. 372-34] The President’s schedule -Meeting with H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman 34 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS...

Tape 32, Conversation 41 (032-041)

Date: October 25, 1972 Time: Unknown between 3:04 pm and 3:05 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with the White House operator. [See Conversation No. 372-35] Request for a call to John K. Andrews, Jr.

Tape 32, Conversation 42 (032-042)

Date: October 25, 1972 Time: 3:05 pm – 3:06 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with John K. Andrews, Jr. [See Conversation No. 372-36] The President’s forthcoming farm speech, October 27, 1972 -The President’s revisions...

Tape 32, Conversation 44 (032-044)

36 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) Date: October 26, 1972 Time: Unknown between 10:01 am and 11:04 am Location: White House Telephone H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman talked with the White House operator. [Conversation No. 32-44A]...