White House Tape – 4.23.1971 – 11:56 am

White House Tape – 2.18.1971 – 6:16 pm

NIXON: We can’t. We can’t lose. KISSINGER: No, Mr. President— NIXON: We—but, I can’t. I am thinking more in terms of Vietnam. For us, the objective of all these things is to get out of there and [unclear] it’s not going to be done. We can’t lose. We can lose an...

Nixon’s Yellow Note Pads – China

President Nixon’s Yellow Pad Notes on China PDF file   Transcription PAGE 1 RN Change – 1. We live in period of change – Shall we be destroyed by it – or shall We master it. Japan ready for take off commercially 1. Can’t except dynamic, proud, Humiliated...

Nixon’s Yellow Pad Notes – Silent Majority Address

President Nixon’s Yellow Pad Notes on the Silent Majority Address PDF file   Transcription PAGE 1 Our greatness as a nation has been our capacity [to] do what had to be done when we knew our cause was right. In asking for your support, I do not challenge...