Another Reason to Miss RN

The headline reads ” Rich Little Says Today’s Celebs Are Tough to Imitate: Rich Little says he’s perfected his impersonation of U.S. President Barack Obama, but admits it took him awhile to nail it.The Ottawa-born funnyman, in Toronto on Saturday to...

RN and the Arts

In the 1960 campaign, the magazine Musical America sent the presidential candidates a brief questionnaire about arts policy.  Fifty years ago today, RN replied: Our great lack today is not sources of subsidy or an honest desire to promote the arts, but a program for...

Nixon and Fiorina

Dan Morain of The Sacramento Bee writes of the connection between RN and California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina: President Richard M. Nixon took office pledging to remake the U.S. Supreme Court and appointed four justices during his first term. If Nixon had served...

“If you give me a week, I might think of one.”

At a press conference fifty years ago today, the topic of Vice President Nixon’s role came up. President Eisenhower had this exchange with Time’s Charles Mohr: Q. Mr. Mohr: We understand that the power of decision is entirely yours, Mr. President. I just...