Sep 8, 2017 | Artifacts, Foreign Policy
President Nixon with Israeli Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin, June 1974. Nixon Presidential Library. By Jason Schwartz A hotbed of Cold War tension, the Middle East endured as a centrum of contrasting pressures throughout the Nixon presidency. Following the Six-Day War...
Aug 23, 2017 | Artifacts, Foreign Policy, Uncategorized
Photo: President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on October 1, 1972 (Richard Nixon Presidential Library) On 15 April 1969, an American EC-121M Warning Star Naval reconnaissance aircraft was shot down over the Sea of Japan by a North Korean fighter...
Aug 4, 2017 | Domestic Policy, Nixon Today, Reports
Vice President Richard Nixon with Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on June 13, 1957. (Henry Griffin/AP) Introduction Richard Nixon is credited for having a strong record on foreign policy, but his record on domestic policy — especially on Civil Rights at home is often...
Jun 2, 2017 | Post-Presidential Years, Pre-Presidential Years, Reports, Vietnam
Nixon biographer Farrell misinterprets a word and draws the wrong conclusion In his recent book Richard Nixon: The Life, journalist-biographer John A. Farrell claims to have found a hitherto overlooked document that proves the contention that Richard Nixon, as a...
Feb 8, 2017 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today, Uncategorized
On January 9, 2003, the Richard Nixon Foundation awarded George Shultz with the Victory of Freedom Award, an award that honors outstanding leaders who have championed the cause of freedom and personify the 37th president’s principle of enlightened national...